Welcome to a sneak peak in my life of the year 2020.
The morning starts about 6am to nurse my 14 month old baby boy before I get out of bed to start the day. His smile and snuggles would melt your heart folks. This blonde, blue-eyed babe is the first out of 5 that wanted to nurse past 3 months of age, ya'll. It's been a blessing and an entirely different experience. Never ever give up trying to breastfeed. God is good!
6:30 am my alarm goes off, I may or may not snooze for 10-15 minutes...then I pop up racing to get ready for work. My hubby preps the school lunches and gets the kids up and going to take off to school by 7 am. We live 30 minutes away from the private school so early rising is a must! I quickly make my power drink, grab my vitamins and I leave the house by 7:15 am in hopes to get to work by 7:50am but usually arrive by 8am.
8am starts the jam packed clinic seeing patients as a Physician Assistant. I love my job. I can talk all day about it. Ask me sometime. Ok, next... I power through lunch to get off in time to leave the clinic by 3pm...just to rush to my tougher "job" as Mom.
I load up the school-aged kids then head to daycare to pick up baby #5....who doesn't want to get in the carseat for the 30-45 minute drive home. That's fun. The big kids do help entertain him driving home. Most of the drive home they whine and beg to stop for treats....but that's reserved for Fridays. They ask about every day what day it is. I always make them figure it out.
Me plus 5 kids head into the house for a quick snack and brief break which inevitably stretches to an hour of not getting homework done...ugh. Homework will be the death of me. Keeping track of the younger ones and homework is like herding cats. You should try it sometime. Now the baby wants to nurse...how do you know...he tries pulling up or down my shirt. I ask him if he wants to nurse and his eyes light up like a Christmas Tree. I wish I could bottle up that look and feeling. The dude understands my English. Baby brains are incredible.
After nursing, I'm bringing in the reins again with the homework....those cats wondered off again. One starts a tantrum that she doesn't want to do homework (she's in 2nd grade mind you....is that stuff really that hard?!?)...the other little is pretending to get some work done. Everything is on the computer right now. Computers and homework...not a good combination. They may look like they are doing important work but could very well be learning how to draw a rooster with a leprechaun hat. Seriously. I remind the big kids again to bring in the trash cans for the 10th time and to grab the mail. Then I fuss for the 15th time today not to eat in the living room or on the couch. Are they still eating snacks right before dinner?
By this time...it's about 6pm, my hubby is getting home and it's time to figure out what we are having for dinner. Yep....not always prepared for dinner...even though it comes EVERY 24 hours. I'm not inspired by cooking....sorry kids. We throw something together and eat. Baby usually cries because he would rather spend the rest of the daylight hours outside....evening hours in Texas are still hot in the Fall.
Did I mention we have a dog? During the last few hours since coming home, I'm also letting the family dog in and out of the back door...because no one else can hear her....like....no one. I also feed the dog. She then starts barking at me because she wants to me to play with her. Sorry fur child...I've got stuff still to do before I can stop and play. Time to turn on that diffuser with something calming...
In addition to keeping homework on track, I try to pick up the living room that looks like a bomb exploded....and for the 1,000th time, I ask that they put their school lunch box in the kitchen. Why must it take raising my voice for them to really hear me? AND masks....why aren't the face masks at the front table? Put your school shoes away. Why is that belt in the middle of the floor? Your dirty shirt and pants don't belong there. Have you finished your homework yet? No you can't watch YouTube right now. Can't find your new computer charger? No, I don't know where your spelling list is. NO, you need to re read that math problem and see why that answer is wrong. Why are you doing cartwheels in the living room...get back to doing your homework. Don't you have a test tomorrow? Where's your book? No, you can get up to get your own pencil. You do NOT need to be crying about that right now. Yes, it's too late to tell me you need a set of headphones for school tomorrow.
8 PM lights out for the school aged kids...but who am I kidding. 2 kids are "secretly" reading in their beds (not a very bad thing...but they are suppose to be going to sleep). The oldest is still getting homework done.
8:45pm Buddy feeds the baby a bottle...then passes him over to me to "knock him out" with my superpowers.
9 ish Baby is out. House needs to stay quiet. Time for mama to get some things done.
10 PM I finally shower and get ready for bed...but just sneaking in a bit of Social Media time....wait...I was just on my phone for 5 minutes right?....10:30 PM...I slather my sleepy roller bottles on ...lotion up my feet and go night-night. Tomorrow will come quickly...just to do this cray-cray all over again.
Welcome to a piece of my life right now....but wouldn't change it for the world.