Excitement in the Air!
Hello there! 

It's an exciting day when I get to share some updates on my life and on my health & wellness business.

I got my first website up and running www.SimplyCeleste.net......so if you have been hesitant on learning more about what I do.....now is the perfect time to jump in!

I have created a beautiful space to teach and share all things health and wellness!

My goal is to help mamas with their health and guide them on plant-based options to care for their family. 

Coming from the medical world....I didn't think natural based products worked....and thought they were huey....but with years of experience under my belt....I'll be the first to tell you how wrong I was.

Your home should be the safest place in your life....but you might be shocked....for many....it's the most dangerous!

I'd love to give you a personal invite to learn more about the dangers of fragrance and chemicals in our personal care product, soaps, detergents, cleaning products, and even our air fresheners!

From conditions like eczema, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, to hormonal disruptions....these are NOT normal and do NOT have to be how you live your life forever.

If you've been searching for more answers but not getting results.....I'm here to show you a different way.



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